Flash starších Sony Ericssonov
Ak vlastníte starší telefón značky Sony Ericsson a chcete si nainštalovať najnovšiu verziu firmvéru, tento návod je presne pre vás. Takisto sa hodí, keď sa váš mobil nedá zapnúť kvôli poškodenému softvéru. Presne ako mne, môj Sony Ericsson K800i nešiel zapnúť.
Chcem si preflashovať firmvér na mobile zn. Sony Ericsson.
Čo potrebujem?
1. počítač s OS Windows (XP, 7...)
2. ovládače na flash mobilov
3. FAR Manager
4. Add-On Just Da Flasher
5. firmvér pre váš typ mobilu
6. USB kábel
7. telefón ktorý chcete preflashovať
Ako postupovať?
Najskôr si treba nainštalovať ovládače na telefóny zn. Sony Ericsson do vašeho počítača. Inštalácia sa nijak nelíši od inštalácie akéhokoľvek iného zariadenia.
1. stiahnite si tento súbor
2. rozbaľte do ktorejkoľvek zložky na pevnom disku
3. vypnite váš mobil a zároveň s pripájaním USB kábla držte tlačidlo C
4. OS Windows bude požadovať ovládač, nasmerujte ho do zložky z bodu 2
5. počkajte na dokončenie inštalácie
6. zapnutie mobilu počas inštalácie nie je nežiaduce
Ak ovládače máme úspešne nainštalované, stiahnite si FAR Manager + add-on Just Da Flasher.
Rozbaľte archív do ktorejkoľvek zložky na disku.
Teraz potrebujete firmvér pre váš typ telefónu, Najjednoduchšie ho získate zo stránky Iprotebe.cz. Vyžaduje sa registrácia, ale máte odtiaľ zaručene funkčné súbory. Potrebujete dva súbory firmvéru a ešte Custom Files.
Napríklad pre môj konkrétny prípad (typ K800i):
Vyberajte typ súbory ktoré majú v názve CENT EUROPE (stredná Európa) - obsahuje to jazyk Slovenčinu a Češtinu.
Takže máme firmvér, FAR + Just Da Flasher, ovládače..... môžme sa pustiť do samotného flashu.
Spustíme FAR manager - Far.exe (veľký pozor - pokiaľ používate Windows 7, vždy na súbor kliknite pravým tlačidlom a zvoľte "Spustiť ako správca")
Otvoríme teda FAR. Stlačíme klávesu F11 a klikneme na "just da flasher"
Následne uvidíme toto okno
Script nastvíme na DB2020, port necháme tak a Speed nastavíme na 115200.
Klineme na "jump down into a large rabbit hole". Zobrazí sa nasledujúca výzva:
Ako znie pokyn v okne, treba pripojiť VYPNUTÝ mobil k počítaču, pričom treba držať tlačidlo C. Pokiaľ máte správmne nainštalované ovládače na flash, zabrazia sa na ľavej strane okna dva priečinky:
Otvoríme zložku "oflash". V pravej strane okna si nalistujeme priečinok, kde ste si uložili firmvér pre váš typ telefónu. Nájdite si najskôr súbor, ktorý má v názve MAIN. Označte ho a stlačte na klávesnici F5. V následne zobrazenom okne kliknite na Copy. Následne sa zobrazí ešte jedno potvrdzovacie okno, kliknite v ňom na "yeah, flash it." (je to ten obrázok ešte pod týmto). Teraz by sa malo zobraziť toto:
Firmvér sa pomaly naťahuje do telefónu. Keď sa tento súbor natiahne celý do mobilu (môže to trvať dosť dlho), tak si nájdeme druhý súbor firmvéru, ten čo má v názve FS. Zase, takisto ako v prvom prípade, si označíme daný súbor, stlačíme na klávesnici F5, klikneme na Copy a následne na "yeah, flash it.".
V žiadom prípade neklikáme na "cancel! cancel! cancel!"
Spustí sa rovnaké načítavanie ako v prvom prípade, akurát teraz trvá troška kratšie. Následne kliknite na dve body v ľavej vrchnej časti okna. Klikajte na ne dovtedy, kým sa neukáže červená výzva na opustenie programu. Odkliknite ju kliknutím na Yes.
Teraz vytiahnite USB kábel z mobilu, vyberte baterku. Následne ju vložte naspäť, treba ešte nahrať Custom Files.
Znova spustite Just Da Flasher. V základnom okne FARu stlačte F11 a zvoľte "just da flasher". Kliknite na "jump down into a large rabbit hole". Zase pripojte ešte stále VYPNUTÝ mobil k počítaču pričom musíte držať tlačidlo C. Akonáhle a načítajú zložky oflash a ofs, tak otvorte zložku ofs. Preklikajte sa takto: v zložke ofs otvore zložku tpa, v nej zložku preset a v nej zase zložku custom. Následne si v pravej časti okna nalistujte, kde ste si rozbalili archív s Custom Files. Teraz pekne všetky Custom súbory po jednom nakopírujte do zložky custom v telefóne, označte si prvý, stlačte F5 a Copy. Takto postupne prekopírujete všetky, až to bude vyzerať takto:
Musia byť prekopírované všetky. Zložky doja a drm v telefóne si nevšímajte. Teraz klikajte na dve bodky v ľavej vrchnej časti programu až kým sa nezobrazí červená výzva na ukončenie programu. Tú potvrďte stlačením tlačidla Yes.
Teraz vyberieme baterku, volžíme SIM a telefón zapneme. Ak sme všetko urobili správne, mobil nabehne v poriadku. Bude v stave v akom ste ho zapínali prvýkrát keď ste ho vybalili z krabice.
Ja som takto opravil Sony Ericsson K800i, ktorý sa nedal zapnúť.
Prajem veľa šťastia.
Prehľad komentárov
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Most growers give their plants 18-24 hours of light a day during the vegetative stage. Yeast needs o2 in order to fully function, but dry yeast is made to have plenty of energy stored in the form of glycogen. Ideally if you were making beer, you'd aerate your wort before pitching your yeast, but that's not necessary given the size of your fermentation.
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You might not think about it often, but there's a good bit more you can do with cannabis outside of enjoying its effects. It's a natural plant material like any other, and that means it can see a lot of use in arts and crafts! Variety SWS21 100% Autoflowering Indoor Yield: 400-550 g/m2 Outdoor Yield: 40-250 g/plant Indoor/Outdoor Harvest: 9 weeks from germination Height: 40-110 cm.
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To test the viability of a seed you can place the seed in a glass with distilled water. Seeds that sink within 2 hours have sufficient mass. These seeds generally have a better chance of sprouting than seeds that still float.
If you are a frequent or even a semi-regular marijuana user, you’ve definitely had your fair share of good times. Smoking alone is fine, but it is always better when you do it with friends. For instance, I will remember my friend Declan’s impersonation of Jimmy Somerville singing Smalltown Boy until the day I die!
Opening Hours: Hemp-derived CBD is legal in New Jersey in all forms, including cosmetics, personal products, and food. NJ A5322 allows the state's health department to set rules around CBD. All hemp is required to undergo testing for THC levels, and any hemp that tests higher than .3% THC must be reported to the producer and the USDA, and may be required to be retested.
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The truth is, the best way to learn about growing cannabis is to just jump right in.
Breeding is about time and patience. Says Pennington: “To be a breeder, you have to be willing to accept the fact that you won’t have uniformity in the offspring, <you>Ђ™ll get] lots of ugly ducklings in the hunt for your golden goose. To make seeds that will actually reflect the golden goose takes time, and it takes more than just a one-off cross. Even after you found your golden goose, expect to have to do a whole number of stabilizing backcrosses to reproduce your golden goose in seed form.”
The remedy for overwatering is quite a simple one: ease off on the fluids! First thing’s first, leave more time between watering sessions. Probe the topsoil with your index finger and wait until the first 3cm have sufficiently dried out before applying more water. This will generally lead to a routine of watering around every 2–3 days. Additionally, during watering, make sure not to drown your plant each time. Water enough to notice runoff leaving the drainage holes for about 60 seconds after watering, and no longer. Delicious Seeds - Cotton Candy: Sweet and soft with high THC level.
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(StevenOxype, 11. 3. 2021 16:52)
Every cannabis enthusiast has often wondered if smoking weed stems is a bad idea or not.
Best Short Flowering Strains: Photoperiod Strains That Grow Quickly (7-9 Weeks)
The other possible option is a handheld vaporizer, which can be used for either CBD flower or concentrate depending on the unit that's better for you. The heating mechanism used in handheld vapes is either a conduction or convection oven depending on your vape of choice. These are highly versatile as you can use them for both CBD and THC flower/concentrates, but they are definitely more difficult to navigate than a disposable vape or cartridge and pen combo. Regardless of which type of vape you decide on, the most important thing is to find well-made hardware (that means no super-cheap knockoff batteries) in addition to high-quality CBD oil.
What type of container you use will depend on the medium, the system, and the size of your plants. A flood-and-drain, tray-style hydroponic system may use small net pots filled with clay pebbles or just a big slab of rockwool to grow many little plants, while a “super-soil” grow may use 10 gallon nursery pots to grow a few large plants. What temp should my grow room be during flowering? 420 Guide for Beginners.
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Do you know something more about Elev8 Seeds' Lemon Sherbet? Please help to make this database better and upload/connect your information here!
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For a more advanced setup, a dehumidifier and an air conditioner can prove useful, depending on the kind of environment you are looking to create, according to Napoli, who said a strain like indica yields a shorter plant more suitable to a small space. Joint Rolling Competition.
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(Rashadruilm, 10. 3. 2021 9:30)
Many states have legalized marijuana for medical use. However, the Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved marijuana for any medical condition. But there are synthetic THC medications that are approved for some medical conditions.
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On their own, it may be possible to test each one to identify whether it can induce couch lock. However, all these compounds have their effects amplified when in the presence of each other. Factor in that every individual smoker’s DNA is slightly different, and suddenly, pinpointing the critical instigator of couch lock is like looking for a needle in a warehouse full of cannabis plants.
So when it comes to this section about photoreceptors and the light color response of plants, we’re talking about the “nose” of the plant, not the “mouth!” The reactions to light spectrum we talk about below are completely separate from photosynthesis! If you’re interested in how the plant actually obtains energy from light via photosynthesis, check out the section at the end of this page about PAR, lumens and light intensity. Best Weed Grinders of 2020.
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(KevinMip, 12. 2. 2021 18:30)
We stop here if we are growing small crunchy sprouts. You can grow these into a sprout with a leaf if you like. Just continue to Rinse and Drain every 8-12 hours until you are pleased.
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Not only will they bring up some random bit of pop culture you haven't thought about in years, they'll also dissect it in a way that feels like they're writing a thesis paper on it. These are absolutely the most entertaining ones.
Past studies on cannabis’ effectiveness with fibromyalgia are particularly promising. A 2010 study showed that a cannabis-based drug improved sleep in fibromyalgia patients. A 2014 online survey by the National Pain Foundation and National Pain Report revealed that medical marijuana more effectively treats fibromyalgia than the three prescription fibromyalgia drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Of the respondents who tried cannabis for their pain, 62% said it was very effective at managing their fibromyalgia symptoms, while 33% said it helped a little, and only 5% said it didn’t help at all. Renewable energy.
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(JewellCreme, 22. 3. 2021 10:25)